Sunday, 25 December 2011

Happy Woofmas from BeauPup


Happy Woofmas everyone! I hope Sandy Paws brings you all plenty of goodies! If you're travelling for the silly season, please be safe this silly season and take care on the roads. Make sure you all eat till your bellies are full and drink till you can't drink no more! I am
Currently up in my home town visiting my family for Woofmas this year and will be returning home on the 30th so I can see the new year in while in all my favourite leathers! =D
Make sure you all have a kinky new year and I will see you all in 2012!

*arfs and tailwags*

Friday, 9 December 2011

So... Who is BeauPup? Part 2.

Last time I posted on this topic, it seemed a bit "My life has been so shit!" and "I'm simply looking for sympathy" (at least that's how it seemed in my eyes!). I want to make sure that you guys don't think that! Yes, I've had some rough patches, from living on the streets to my outing to my parents, but there have been many great moments as well!

Since moving to Brisbane in 2010, I've had an amazing time, met some amazing people and had some of the most memorable experiences! Like I said last time, I've come out of my shell a lot (especially over the last 10 or so months) as both a pup and a person. I believe this is because of the people I've met who have helped me get in touch with my inner pup and have treated me not as a piece of dog shit on the sole of their shoe, but as an equal... A human! This has not only helped me to open up, but also helped with my depression and self confidence. One of the places I've come across where I've been completely accepted for who I am and not had a single person look at me with "WTF?!" eyes is Brisbane BootCo, a local once monthly gay leather, denim and uniform night. Yes, being under the protection of the president (and Mr Leather Australia & NZ '08,) helped give me the confidence to go out and be who I am, but it was still a big step, which led to bigger steps being taken alone. My confidence wasn't the only thing working against me, I'm not the kind of person who likes to go out all (I much prefer to stay in with some good friends and decent music... And maybe throw in a drink or two! =P). After a while I had gained enough confidence to start venturing out alone and found Hellfire Quensland. I've only been a few times, but have had an amazing time on each occasion and have met some absolutely wonderful people.

Just recently, I was in a karaoke competition at a local gay bar (in case you couldn't tell!) and made it through to the final five. This was a big achievement for me. Although I used to be part of the local amateur theatre back home, it's been quite some time since I've been on stage with all eyes on me, and the first few weeks were a bit nerve racking! Unfortunately, my confidence on stage only really blossomed this week, only to be booted off.  Being in the competition was a great experience and (again!) a real help with my confidence!

Just a few weeks ago, a very special wolf walked out of my life, which hurt like a bitch. It's a real shame that it had to end the way it did. As they say, nothing lasts forever! A lot of people had seen statuses on a couple of sites and have asked what happened, so I just thought I'd put it out there now, because I was a little bit cryptic when it happened. It's been strange seeing him out and about (especially at karaoke!) and not being able to be how we were, and I really do hurt when I do see him. I honestly wish him all the best in the future.

Since I'm getting things off my chest, I just want to make a few things clear, and unfortunately, the people who I want this message to get to most likely wont read this. But fuck it!
1) DON'T call me slave/boy/boi or anything of the like. My name is Beau. I am a pup. If you want to talk to me, use either one of those two. It's really not that hard to see either! Both are in ALL my screen names!!!
2) DON'T refer to me as "it". I'm male. I have a fully functioning cock and it's been there since birth!
3) DON'T give me orders online! EVER! I will bite! HARD!
4) I DON'T play on cam! Don't bother asking!
5) Respect is not a right! It's something that must be earned! By going against the above, you are showing a lack of respect towards me. The moment you do that, you don't stand a chance of earning respect from me!

In part three, I will tell you a bit more about my pup side, since I have barely touched on that subject.

Until then....
*waves paw*

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Puppy Play or Dog Training? Yes, there IS a difference! - An article by Scamp

The other day I posted a very small snippet about the differences between puppies and dogs, from my point of view (click here to view). In that article, I asked for my fellow pups to write in on their opinions of the differences, but I also spoke to a couple of my friends and asked if they would be happy to write a bit for me. One of those friends is Scamp. Scamp, like myself is rather opinionated, and I was over the moon to see he had posted this entry in his blog, only moments before I jumped online this morning. And being such an early hour, my brain isn't at 100% functionality yet, so I'mma stop rambling (as I often do) and let you have a read of "Puppy Play or Dog Training? Yes, there IS a difference!".

There seems to be a lot of confusion about what constitutes "puppy play" as opposed to "dog play", "dog training", "wolf play", or one of the million other variations.  What I am going to give here is nothing more than personal opinion, sprinkled with my own experience and the opinion/experience of a few others.  What you do with this information is up to you, as I believe that everybody must find their own path, be it religion, sexuality, kink, or even things less important.

Puppy play is commonly overlooked in kink situations, as it sometimes has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with sex.  Yes, that's right.  You might be taken aback by this statement, but there is so much more to life than just sex.  Now, for the 25 percent of people who will continue reading past that line, let us continue.

I am going to take this time to explain that this post is meant to help give definition to some of the varying levels of this specific kink.  By this, I mean the most commonly accepted definitions, and you may have varying ideas based on personal experience.  It will not cover every eventuality, and there will be some who fit into these categories and many others.  This is only meant to be an outline of what the "puppy play" scene is becoming in current times, not a reflection of what it may have been.  Things grow and change.  Nothing is as cut and dry as most people would like.


Puppy Play

Many people call themselves a puppy because they don't understand where they fit in.  Puppy play is an attractive form of power exchange because, for most, it still includes a tenderness reserved for a beloved family pet.

The most common definition of a "puppy" is a person who has some of the mentality of a puppy, and can enter a headspace of total puppy awareness.  These people might perk up if they hear a squeaky toy, stand at full attention if they hear certain words (walkies, play, ball, squirrel, among others), find themselves growling at annoyances in their every day lives, or even wagging their bodies when they get excited.  These are all fairly common, and may confuse the pup until he realizes the truth about himself.

While many pups are just as much a pup on 2 legs as they are on four legs, they relish the time they get to spend in puppy headspace.  It's a full release from the cares and worries of the day-to-day human world.  A time where the pup can truly be himself.  Many pups can't achieve this state of awareness without a trigger..  It might be their handler's praise, the jingle of their dog tags on their collar, a certain touch (scratches behind the ears; WOOF!), or a number of things.  The thing to take from this is that it is common for a pup to not be in puppy mode 24/7.  As a matter of fact, it is fairly rare to find a situation in which a puppy gets to (or even wants to) live as a full time pup.  The necessary evils of the human world make this nigh impossible.

Puppies are loyal, playful, energetic, and loving.  It is fairly common to find a puppy edging closer and closer to his human (or even another pup that he may have a relationship with), trying to get physical attention.  Personally, I am nearly constantly chewing on something (straws, plushies, rope toys, pens, pencils, sunglasses...).  The behaviors that puppies exhibit are fairly easy to identify, if you know where to look.

Dog Play

Dogs and puppies are different animals.  To say otherwise is to try and call children "little adults".  It may have common practice in the past, but growing and evolving needs have made the distinction a necessary one.

Puppies often exhibit the physical characteristics of dogs, but "puppy play" is more about the mental state of those involved.  Dog play is most commonly referred to as the act of acting like a dog, while maintaining the mind and thoughts of a human.  Am I saying that there isn't some crossover between the two?  No.  It is nearly impossible to have things this closely related without crossover.  It's just a matter of which one you feel yourself more drawn towards.

Dog play and puppy play are both entered into willingly.  There isn't usually humiliation connected with these acts.  There may be humiliation in other aspects of your kink and laid on top of puppy or dog play.  It's more about the mutual enjoyment of these activities which brings fetishists together to enjoy them.  Commonly, dogs and puppies will gather together for events or play times.  It is only small differences which separate them.  These differences wouldn't be worth mentioning, except for the new and expanding interests in the puppy community.  It is important that those new to the "scene" know where they fit in, what is commonly accepted practice, and that they are not alone in their feelings.

As I have said, dog play focuses more on the physical, and puppy play focuses more on the mental aspects of the kink.  This is not true for everyone, and this doesn't mean that dogs can't get into a puppy headspace and puppies can't spend a few days on all fours.  Individual interests and desires shape and mold kink.  If they didn't, we'd all still be vanilla, wouldn't we?  That being said, these two practices (once again) are entered into willingly and because the pup/dog thoroughly desires the time.  There is a practice which is more forced and more about humiliation, however.

Dog Training

Dog training is the act of taking a submissive and forcing him to take on the mannerisms and role of a dog, usually as a form of humiliation play.  The Dominant will force the submissive to eat from a bowl, bark, stay on all fours, and other things commonly associated with training an unruly dog.  This is accomplished after the submissive lets known his desire (or at least acquiescence) to either a session or longer term of humiliation play.  I DO NOT CONDONE NON-CONSENSUAL POWER EXCHANGE.

The forced act of becoming a dog can be a very trying thing on the human psyche, and aftercare should be observed if you are engaging in this kink.

This fills the Dominant's needs to humiliate the submissive (or maybe even a hidden desire to have his own pup or dog), and it also fulfills the submissive's desires to be humiliated and dominated.  This can be fun, and there are some pups or dogs who also participate in this aspect of the kink.  Once again, it is not a "one or the other" scenario, nor is it an "all or nothing" situation.  Desires cross over and you may find yourself in one or more of these groups, or even more.


I hope that my readers have found this to be informative.  I will once again remind everyone that this is mostly my personal experiences/opinions and the experiences/opinions of others that I have met who are involved in the pup community in one form or another.  Also, I used the male pronouns to fill out my definitions because gay male puppy play is what I am familiar with (being a gay male puppy).  This is not to say that straight or lesbian members of the kink community might not also benefit from this information.  I was not trying to dis-include anyone.

I'd just like to say a huge THANK YOU to Scamp for allowing me to use this on my blog! You're awesome! If you enjoyed this article, make sure you visit Scamp's blog! Don't forget to follow! =)

Till next time....
*tail wags*

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Puppy Play - The facts. Pt. 2

As promised here is the second instalment of Puppy Play - The facts. Before I get started, I just want to point out that I have done a bit of editing to my blog tonight which resulted in the times and dates on all my previous posts being put of by several hours.

For those who haven't read part one, click here to have a read. Part one was a very basic introduction to pup play and answered a few questions I am commonly asked. Part two will be a bit more in depth. I will again be taking it from a site, simply because I find that it is very informative. The site I have taken this from is very extensive and I will try to cute it down as much as possible while still retaining as much information as possible. For part three, I would love to answer a few questions from you guys, so please start sending in your questions here with the subject "The Facts 3".

Till next time. =)


So, while grabbing the info from the site and editing it down, I found that it was just getting too damn long!!! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..... I'll link to the site where I was getting my information from and let you read through at your own leisure. I will go on a hunt to find something equally as informative and will put it ina s The facts. Pt. 2.1. =P

Monday, 5 December 2011

Wolves and Pups... One in the same?

WOW! Who'd have thought that I would post three times in one day!?

Not long after posting about my opinion on the differences between pups and dogs, someone asked me about the differences between pups and wolves. I'm not a wolf, so I couldn't answer the question myself, so spoke to my friend TheBigBadWolf, who gave me some very useful information! I know I shouldn't need to say this, but I am going to anyways. The following are the views and opinions of TheBigBadWolf in his own words.

"A brand new wolf will be dealing with certain personality/humanity issues. Rage overload, social status (positioning) problems, peeked sexual drive, lunar fixation, pack cravings (abandonment issues, isolation phobias).
In short a very very moody individual who needs a group of strong minded kin to prove their power and direction. and offer them a place to belong.

A brand new puppy (domestic), is usually very adorable, very small, mischievous and energetic.
and in the short term spends most of its time in a state of PLAY!!
A puppy can be groomed in to almost any purpose, they both have one blinding similarity.


Wolf pups or domestic pups ... they will stand by you to the end if you prove yourself capable of being their Alpha or Owner."

He then went on to say the following.

"IMO the next big diff is the development.

Puppy training is focused on task and obedience, giving a list of commands and scenarios, seeing how well they are followed, walking through new environments while using those pre-trained commands to navigate, forming a strategy around what commands the puppy is ready to learn next and when its is not only mentally but physically capable of achieving them, as pushing a puppy to far to fast is a loss for all involved.

~We want to see victories and smiles for all, but is it a reality yet?~
(Don't push them in the deep end until they can swim, .. let alone... dog paddle ... ahhah.. oh yeah .. I went there) ;D

Start with simple toys.
-Tug ropes.
-Squeak toys
-Commands that keep them close to you.

Later as they grow stronger.
-Toss a ball around,
-A Frisbee
-Wrestle with other pets.
-And even full headspace walks.

I cant express enough...
Walking in animal mode on all fours is EXTREMELY exhausting!!! Build your pet up to it and have lots of water, knee and wrist protection and good food for energy and check in regularly with their physical status (don't ask them to tell you, that's not their place to say, despite what Scooby Doo might have taught you! lol. Just watch their body)


As for wolves...

The development of a good wolf is more along the lines of social interaction and their ability to work as a unit.This might mean co-ordinating themselves at events, figuring out who are passive, and who are aggressive and using that to the groups advantage, rather than having the dynamic destroy itself.

If you're looking at handling wolves(human) you must understand that respect is key, a brotherhood MUST be formed. Even if you are the Alpha of the pack, you simply can't smack them over the nose with a newspaper, or you will end up getting mauled, and beaten.

If I where to try and find a way to describe a wolf headspace to those who have never embodied it.
I would say.
Think of a rich mixture of the following cultures.
-The attachment to nature of the native American Indians
-The Brutal Nature, Honor and Codes of the Vikings.
-The Peaceful Loving and almost spiritual zen of the Buddhists.

Now if your brain hasn't exploded trying to figure out how the fuck that cluster fuck of cultures mixes, you might have a glimpse. lol

But the biggest difference between wolf and pup is family, vs task.

A Wolf is about Honor, Ethics, Codes, Family, Brotherhood.

A Pup is about training of tasks, play, entertainment, obedience."

Thank you so much BigBadWolf! I hope this helps to clear up any confusion that people may have.
Again, if you would like to express you POV or opinion, feel free to email me with subject Wolves!

*wags tail*

New Features!!!!

Instead of writing new posts, I decided I'd add a few new features to my blog. One very obvious one is the chat down on the right hand side of the page! This will allow you real time interaction with me! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!
The second and less obvious feature (unless of course you are currently viewing this on a mobile device) is that there is now a mobile version of my blog. Now you can stay up to date while your on the go! Simply use the same URL that you use on your computer (! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!
That's all that I've added... for now!
Stay tuned, there will be more soon!

Pup Play Vs. Dog Play. What's the difference?

Today I was contacted by someone who wanted to get into pup play. This sub hadn't done any research on pup play and knew very little about it, so I asked a few simple questions.

Beau: So, tell me a bit about yourself.
Sub: Love submitting to a caring but rough master. Best through force and control rather than subservience.
Beau: nice.
Sub: Love the idea of an alpha being told to work me over
Beau: HAHA! Very nice!!!
Sub: No release play r*pe
Sub: Want to curl up on me masters lap
Beau: that's always nice!
Beau: so, where'd your interest in pup play come from?
Sub: Fuck knows!
Sub: I want to be tied up and have the pup gear put on me against my will. Locked on so can't remove it.
Sub: Then mixture of abuse and love
Beau: alrighty then.
Beau: how much do you know about pup play?
Sub: Not sure how much I know. My idea is that I am an unwilling pup that is forced into it. I  suppose I know fairly little.

After taking what he had said into consideration, using my own words I described what the differences are (in my opinion) between pup play and dog play.

"When it comes to pup play, its very much about the head space and a lot less about the physical side of things. Yes, there are some physical things that will help a pup out (ie. tail, paws/mitts, hood, collar) but they aren't essential. A human pup is a very carefree animal, especially while in pup space. Basically, take the characteristics of a biopup and apply them to a human pup. Human pups should be treated with love and respect (while in pup space). Most importantly, pup play is a choice, it comes naturally to most.
The flip side, is dog play. It is the exact opposite of pup play. A dog (often referred to as "dog slave") doesn't choose to be a dog, but is forced into that role by it's Master/Dom. It is centred around the physical things, including, but not limited to, tail, paws/mitts, hood, collar, bowls, dog bed, cage, chain, leash and sometimes even dog food. Dog play is mostly about humiliation of the dog and is purely for the Dom's pleasure."

Again, this is just the way I see it. Also, please bare in mind that the above was written very quickly without too much thought going into it. I will go into further detail of my view on the differences very soon.

When I first started blogging, I mentioned that I would give you the chance to send in some questions for me to answer. Today is not your chance to do that. It is, however, your chance to send in your opinion on the differences between pup play and dog play and get your views heard (or, in this case, read). Email me here with subject "PVD View".

Also, while I have your attention, I just wanted to let you know that Who is BeauPup? Pt. 2 and Puppy Play - The facts. Pt. 2 are in the making and will be posted very soon! =D

Farewell for now,
I look forward to reading your emails!
*waves paw*

Sunday, 27 November 2011

It's Time...

The other day Scruff featured the following video in their little news start up pop up news box. I must say, I was really impressed that they had featured something Australian at long last, and was even more impressed by the fact that it wasn't an advertisement for an up coming party or some shit like that! The video is a new advertising campaign that Get Up! Australia have developed, but is not yet on Australian TV. Please donate to help get the ad on Aussie TV, sign the petition and share this video (and my blog!!!! =P) with your friends and family!

Monday, 14 November 2011

Where is BeauPup?!

As you can see, it's been quite a while since I last posted. It's not because I've been lazy or lack of topics to write on, but simply because I've been a very busy little puppy!
Back in early September I entered myself into a karaoke competition down at my favourite bar and just four weeks ago the competition started. Every Wednesday night I get up on stage, in a costume appropriate to the song I'm singing or the theme for the week. So far we have had choose your own, pub songs, 80's, black divas and this week is rock anthems. I've done well to get this far! There have been a couple of videos taken of me while on stage, so once I get them uploaded I'll post a link
As well as Wednesday night karaoke, I've been going out on Friday nights for karaoke. It gives me a chance to practise my song for the up coming week.
Apart from being a total karaoke whore, there had been a fair amount of time spent with my brother pup, making new friends and just being a social butterfly.
Once this karaoke competition is over and done with, I will get back to posting on a more regular basis. =)
Tail wags to all.
Till next time....

Saturday, 12 November 2011

If A Dog Was The Teacher.

Author Unknown

If a dog was the teacher, you would learn stuff like:
- When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
- Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
- Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
- When it's in your best interest, practise obedience.

- Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
- Take naps. Stretch before rising.
- Run, romp, and play daily.
- Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

- Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
- On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
- On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
- When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

- No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout! Run right back and make friends.
- Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
- Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
- Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.

- If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
- When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Puppy Play - The facts. Pt. 1

Note - This entry contains mild infrequent course language.

Today my pup brother, Kubby, was speaking to one of his pup friends who had been institutionalised because his nosey neighbour called the authorities while he was pupping out and told them that she thought he thought he was actually a dog (stupid bloody bitch!). To cut a long story short, this incident has fucked with him mentally and has caused a lot of stress. So in the hope that I can help people to understand a bit more about pup play and hopefully open some eyes, I will be writing on the facts of pup play over the upcoming weeks. Unfortunately, I don't have the time today to write too much, so instead, I will be taking some information from a site that I've referred  a few people to in the past and they have found it helpful for them.

Just to clarify, the views and opinions in the following text are not of my own.


Taken from

What is puppy play?
Puppy play is when one person takes on the role of a pup or dog and another takes that of the handler or trainer. The pup acts like their canine counterpart and the trainer, for the most part, handles the pup like he would a biological pup.
It's not necessarily a sexual play, though it can be. For many it serves as a release of the animal part of them.
It is not bestiality: real animals are not involved.

Why do puppy play?
Because it's fun! More to the point it gives the pup an opportunity to shed off their human personality and take on the simple, carefree existence of a pup. Puppies like and get lots of attention. They also however receive some control from their Handler, while still expressing their animal instincts and desires.
The Handler also revives benefit from puppy play. Pups are always happy to see you and play fetch with you. They serve as a companion and friend. The Handler has the opportunity to establish dominance through training, while still allowing the pup some freedom, especially when playing.

What about humiliation?
For many pups, puppy play is not about humiliation. This does not mean they may not also enjoy humiliation, or that humiliation play is bad, but it tends not to be a part of puppy play. In many ways puppy play is much like training a biological pup. You wouldn't hit, kick, or abuse a new puppy to train him. Instead a firm but gentle approach is taken to training and discipline. Positive reinforcement is key; 'good boy' is spoken much more often than 'naughty pup' in puppy play.

What are the roles in puppy play?
There is no authoritative list of the roles in puppy play, but the most common names and meanings are these:
dogs are more interested in the dog persona: barking, being on all fours, the physical aspects of being a dog. They may be a more 'independent' pup.
pups are more about the canine head space then the physical. They think like a dog would, and crave attention like a puppy does.
alphas are the more aggressive, dominating pups. They will pose themselves as pack leaders, but will often also look after the pups in their pack.
Handlers are anyone the takes care of a pup. The one holding the leash per se.
Trainers train the pups to behave, do tricks. Trainer and Handlers may overlap.
Masters are usually the same as in other BDSM roles, they own the pups, and may or may not take part in the other roles.
biopup/biocanine – These terms refer to the biological animal (Canis lupus familiaris) to distinguish from the human animal.

What is pup headspace?
Headspace is hard to describe. It's the mental state you put on when you are doing puppy play. Dogs live in the moment, they do not think about the past or present. They act on instinct rather than rationality. Dogs are pack animals and seek attention from the other members of the pack. They look to the other dogs for leadership and guidance, and will assert their own if they do not find it. Maintaining headspace is about putting aside the human thoughts and desires and thinking instead about a pup's thoughts and desires.

Should I give my human pup dog food?
This question comes up a lot from those starting to get into puppy play. Despite what you may have heard, animal dog food is not fit for human consumption. Besides not meeting the dietary requirements of humans, there are many components such as bone meal and animal byproducts in dog food that simply aren't digestible by humans and could make you sick.
There are plenty of human foods that can serve as a substitute dog food. Cookies, crackers, anything bitesize your pup enjoys may be usable as treats. Cold canned beef stew is a perfect analog for wet dog food. Certain breakfast cereals look a lot like kibble (dry food). You can be creative and make your own food and treats.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Quote of the Day. (30/09/11)

"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer." --Alfred North Whitehead

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

So... Who is BeauPup? Part 1.

This is a question not often asked. Those of you who have read my profiles on Pup Zone, FetLife, FetishMen or Recon (username is BeauPup on all) know a bit about the sexual side of me as well as my nature while in pupspace (though, I do need to update that a bit. I've come out of my shell both as a pup and a person a lot since I wrote that), but very few people know anything about what I am like outside that, which is why I have started this blog. It wont be all "Me, me me!!!" (I promise!) but I will show you all more and more of a side of me you otherwise wouldn't get to know. I'll also provide you, my readers, the chance to ask me questions on any subject from time to time.

So now, back to the point, who am I?

I was raised in Hervey Bay, Queensland and spent most of my life so far there. When I was 17, I moved out of home and have never even considered moving back. A few days before my 19th birthday, I moved to Brisbane, Queensland, which is where my life thus far really began. Life in Hervey Bay was pretty miserable. I was always "that kid". You know the kid I'm talking about. That kid who had no friends, was picked on, bullied and tormented by pretty much everybody most every day. There were even days where I would come home black and blue from the physical abuse. When I was 12, on the night of my grade seven graduation (going from primary school to junior high) a group of girls who had given my shit all year were at it again. It got to the point where I broke down into tears and  refused to go to grad. When I got home, my younger brother started to get on my nerves. That plus the prior events of that day pushed me over the edge and... It was the first time the thought of suicide went through my mind and the beginning of my self harm period. That thought showed its hideous face several more times over the years.

When i was 14, a friend of a friend of mine outed me to the school. After that, shit really hit the fan. I was faced with verbal abuse on a daily basis because of my sexuality. There was, once again, many occasions where things got physical and if not for the fact that a nearby teacher saw what was happening... I hate to think what may have happened!

 The year after, aged 15, I was outed to my parents. To cut a long story short, a friend and her homophobic bitch of a friend got drunk and called my parents.

Throughout my teens a lot of people turned their backs on me, including other gay teens who didn't go through half the shit I did. Many vicious rumours went around town about me. It was hell!

In 2008, the year I moved out from my parents place, I dropped out of school due to a few unfortunate circumstances and also lost my job due to the affects of the GFC. 2008 was also the year I got the chance to share my story of my outing to the school with thousands of people through a group devised play called 'Game On!'. I worked with and met some amazing people from all over the Queensland coast and heard so many stories of both homophobia and acceptance. We took the play to several local high schools in the Bundaberg region. Sharing my story with so many people was a phenomenal experience. Not only did I get to share my story, but I heard stories of similar experiences from members of the audience. The most confronting part of that experience for me was the fact that I took the role of the stereotypical homophobic jock. I was the one who gave shit to the character based on myself. I recently read a news article written by one of the actresses who lives in Bundaberg. She spoke of how she had noticed a decrease in homophobia in the local area and how the affects of the play had continued nearly three years on.

As I mentioned earlier, I moved to Brisbane just before my 19th birthday. Life certainly hasn't been a walk in the park since the move, but it hasn't been as tough and it's given me the chance to get in touch with who I really am.

Although this is "The Ramblings of BeauPup", I feel I've rambled on for a little too long now, so I'll stop here and continue this sometime in the near future. =)

*waves paw*
Bye for now!