Wednesday, 28 September 2011

So... Who is BeauPup? Part 1.

This is a question not often asked. Those of you who have read my profiles on Pup Zone, FetLife, FetishMen or Recon (username is BeauPup on all) know a bit about the sexual side of me as well as my nature while in pupspace (though, I do need to update that a bit. I've come out of my shell both as a pup and a person a lot since I wrote that), but very few people know anything about what I am like outside that, which is why I have started this blog. It wont be all "Me, me me!!!" (I promise!) but I will show you all more and more of a side of me you otherwise wouldn't get to know. I'll also provide you, my readers, the chance to ask me questions on any subject from time to time.

So now, back to the point, who am I?

I was raised in Hervey Bay, Queensland and spent most of my life so far there. When I was 17, I moved out of home and have never even considered moving back. A few days before my 19th birthday, I moved to Brisbane, Queensland, which is where my life thus far really began. Life in Hervey Bay was pretty miserable. I was always "that kid". You know the kid I'm talking about. That kid who had no friends, was picked on, bullied and tormented by pretty much everybody most every day. There were even days where I would come home black and blue from the physical abuse. When I was 12, on the night of my grade seven graduation (going from primary school to junior high) a group of girls who had given my shit all year were at it again. It got to the point where I broke down into tears and  refused to go to grad. When I got home, my younger brother started to get on my nerves. That plus the prior events of that day pushed me over the edge and... It was the first time the thought of suicide went through my mind and the beginning of my self harm period. That thought showed its hideous face several more times over the years.

When i was 14, a friend of a friend of mine outed me to the school. After that, shit really hit the fan. I was faced with verbal abuse on a daily basis because of my sexuality. There was, once again, many occasions where things got physical and if not for the fact that a nearby teacher saw what was happening... I hate to think what may have happened!

 The year after, aged 15, I was outed to my parents. To cut a long story short, a friend and her homophobic bitch of a friend got drunk and called my parents.

Throughout my teens a lot of people turned their backs on me, including other gay teens who didn't go through half the shit I did. Many vicious rumours went around town about me. It was hell!

In 2008, the year I moved out from my parents place, I dropped out of school due to a few unfortunate circumstances and also lost my job due to the affects of the GFC. 2008 was also the year I got the chance to share my story of my outing to the school with thousands of people through a group devised play called 'Game On!'. I worked with and met some amazing people from all over the Queensland coast and heard so many stories of both homophobia and acceptance. We took the play to several local high schools in the Bundaberg region. Sharing my story with so many people was a phenomenal experience. Not only did I get to share my story, but I heard stories of similar experiences from members of the audience. The most confronting part of that experience for me was the fact that I took the role of the stereotypical homophobic jock. I was the one who gave shit to the character based on myself. I recently read a news article written by one of the actresses who lives in Bundaberg. She spoke of how she had noticed a decrease in homophobia in the local area and how the affects of the play had continued nearly three years on.

As I mentioned earlier, I moved to Brisbane just before my 19th birthday. Life certainly hasn't been a walk in the park since the move, but it hasn't been as tough and it's given me the chance to get in touch with who I really am.

Although this is "The Ramblings of BeauPup", I feel I've rambled on for a little too long now, so I'll stop here and continue this sometime in the near future. =)

*waves paw*
Bye for now!


  1. An incredible story to someone who is undoubtedly a very sweet pup. Sometimes I forgot how fortunate I've been in my life. Your story definitely remind me to help those struggling to come out and let them be who they really are. Best of luck to you.
