Thursday, 3 May 2012

Long time no speak, interwebs.

It's very interesting to see that even after ceasing to post, people are still visiting and, hopefully, learning from what I have posted.

It's been strange over the last several months. Not only have I not blogged, but I have also spent next to no time online. There are many people (and pups) who I miss chatting to on a regular basis, and many of these people may not know about the recent changes in my life.

First and foremost, I "celebrated" my 21st birthday back in late March. That certainly has not been the highlight of my year. It's not the whole having to be an adult thing, but more of a "why did I do that?" and "what was I thinking?" kinda thing. It's was just a shitty weekend.
The biggest change to my life has been going from being unemployed for over three years to working full time as a personal assistant in a telecommunications call centre. It's been a huge shock to my system (not used to having to wake at 6:30am!!!) but it's been great actually having money to play with after I pay my bills and buy the essentials. I guarantee that my gear collection will increase in size over the coming months. =P
Not only has this job given me the ability to have a life (bit hard to when you have no cash!), it's also given me an amazing esteem boost. It's only been a few weeks but already I notice that I am smiling more and my tagging can't/wont stop wagging.